Inulin – for healthy gut, intestines and digestive system

Inulin is a functional nutrient composed of fructose, found naturally in many vegetables, such as chicory and yacón. This nutrient, considered a soluble dietary fiber, is called prebiotic food due to its role in the human body (a nutrient that serves as food for intestinal bacteria).

Unlike other nutrients belonging to the class of Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), inulin is resistant to the action of gastric enzymes, preventing it from being digested in the stomach, thus reaching the intestine intact. Therefore, this nutrient directly influences intestinal function.

Inulin for your gut health

Inulin, gut health

The main benefit of inulin is that it helps beneficial bacteria to multiply and stimulates the functioning of the large intestine and lowers blood sugar.

Inulin benefits:

  • increases the number of bifidobacteria in the intestine
  • helps the absorption of vitamins and minerals
  • boosts immune system
  • normalizes the vital activity of the gastrointestinal tract
  • removes dangerous compounds from the body
  • helps with the excretion of bile
  • increases the body’s resistance to infections
  • reduces the risk of blood clots.

Inulin protects the intestines and stimulates their normal rhythm. It coats the intestinal wall, protecting it from erosion and ulceration.

Probiotics are usually taken to improve the gastrointestinal tract – these are the beneficial gut bacteria that help digestion.

Inulin is prebiotic – these are the substances that these beneficial bacteria feed on. However, we usually don’t consume enough of it with our diet, so nutritionists advise taking it in form of ? natural supplements.


In children’s diet it is beneficial as a ? food supplement. Especially for those who have problems with the digestive system. Supplementing it on regular basis:inulin children

  • improves digestion
  • strengthens bone tissue
  • supports acid balance
  • removes harmful substances and allergens
  • helps with better absorption of magnesium, calcium, and vitamins

Baby food manufacturers use inulin to replenish the amount of prebiotics in the diet of children. Such products strengthen the child’s skeletal system and increase immunity. Infant formulas with inulin eliminate frequent constipation in children and flatulence. The product is suitable even for those suffering from allergies.


It helps the absorption of insulin and lowers food’s glycemic index, thereby preventing the rise in blood glucose levels. 

Often it is also used as a substitute for sugar and starch, because it has a sweet taste and dissolves well in hot water.

Dietary fiber

Inulin, a dietary fiber, is not digested in the stomach, and it is necessary nutrient for Lacto- and bifidobacteria in the large intestine.

It has been used for nearly a hundred years to stimulate bowel function, maintain heart health, and suppress hunger while losing weight. Inulin is a fiber, but unlike cellulose, it is completely water-soluble.

Nutritionists believe that a person needs at least 20-35 grams of fiber per day. It is difficult to obtain such an amount with regular diet, so supplementing inulin will perfectly compensate for this deficiency and have a positive effect on the body.?


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